Wanda (Patience)
This site is dedicated to my beloved cat, Wanda.
She was adopted in the early 2010s, my first cat ever, and I named her Patience. Where the new name of Wanda came I cannot recall, but somewhere along the years her name mysteriously changed.
She was quirky, clumsy, and very affectionate. She was a joy to have around and a joy to be the owner of. She loved to be the center of attention and she got along so well with the kitten I later adopted in 2016. She was the best kitty there ever was.
Some of My Favorite Things About Her
- if she was left alone, or didn't see you even if she was in the same room, she'd yowl the saddest yowl until you called for her
- her favorite toy was a stuffed pickle filled with catnip
- she had a tendency to lay too close to the edge of furniture while napping, sometimes falling off
- she would "hunt" items like fries and a photo of a frog, and do a victory scream
- she would almost obsessively lick your hands
- her favorite human foods were mcdonalds fries and potato chips
- once she stole a bite from my sandwhich as i was taking a bite myself
- if she wasn't fed when she wanted, she'd come up to you and smack you with her paws, often hard enough to feel like a punch

Unfortunately, on Febuary 10th, 2022, she was diagnosed with FIP, a fatal illness in cats. It came on sudden, and almost as quickly, she declined in health. She was held in her last moments as we had her put to sleep in our home on Febuary 14, 2022. She has been missed every day since, and she will never be forgotten.